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An Energy Efficient House

Your own power plant in your home and save your electricity bills! Mark Edwards design the machine as straightforward as possible that anyone can accomplish the project. |} Even should you not have expertise in building a power plant or energy supply, simply follow the directions on the book. Power Efficiency Guide offers convenience for any of you who want to have side-energy sources in your home. Considering its function to reduce electric bill, it allows you to allocate the budget for other functions such as education, health or other aspects. Review of the Power Efficiency Guide To provide you with a better comprehension of the guide, here's a sneak peek in the chapters providing. This can help you determine what is required to construct your own power source and what's more, how inexpensive and easy it is to do so as well. Intro List of Components DC Motor 12-volt Gears with Sprocket Chains Flywheel Rotors Alternator The Generator The Change The Inverter

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